Goede Doelen
Your Pluriform Partner for the charities sector

Matthat Software realizes since early 2003 solutions for social and fund-raising organizations. Since the solutions has been extended with professional associations and interest groups.
In the development and implementation methodology is sought whenever possible for long-term relationships and a cost-conscious approach. The price-performance ratio makes the solution appealing even for small organizations .
Matthat Software
Groningenweg 8-A
2803 PV Gouda
Phone:+31 (0)182 781 636
Go to www.matthat.nl
In the development and implementation methodology is sought whenever possible for long-term relationships and a cost-conscious approach. The price-performance ratio makes the solution appealing even for small organizations .
Matthat Software
Groningenweg 8-A
2803 PV Gouda
Phone:+31 (0)182 781 636
Go to www.matthat.nl